[[k.0_lab]] Fwd: If you believe in what we're doing…
Luis Perez
2013-11-21 14:23:59 UTC
Nos reunimos para participar?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve Anderson <***@openmedia.ca>
Date: Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 8:44 AM
Subject: If you believe in what we're doing…
To: ***@gmail.com

[image: OpenMedia's Internet

The path toward an open Internet is a collaborative one. That’s why it’s
more important than ever that we seize on this unique opportunity to chart
out a digital future that’s open, inclusive and participatory. *On November
28th at 5:30 PM PST / 8:30 PM EST, join us to be part of the conversation
and be part of the change.

[image: Take action!]<http://qb.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=JGpJjD58g6cj8H49jr3AS6rZhebJtada&url=https%3A%2F%2Fopenmedia.org%2Ftownhall%3Futm_source%3D131121blast%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dtownhall>

Dear Luis,

Together we’re leading an international movement against Internet
censorship in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). *We held off
anti-Internet forces* giving WikiLeaks the chance to release the details of
the Internet Censorship plan.1,2

The media is starting to pick up the story and over 120,000 have spoken out
around the world. This is all due to your efforts.3

*Now, we want to bring our community together to have an online
conversation with all of you about what’s next - RSVP here.
why we’re inviting you to join us for an open and collaborative
online talk on what a fair digital future should look like – and we want
you to join us!

*On November 28th at 5:30 PM PST / 8:30 PM EST
we’ll be leading our community through an under-the-hood look at the next
steps in safeguarding our digital future. And the best part? You can join
from anywhere with an Internet connection - you can RSVP now.

That’s why it’s more important than ever that we seize on this unique
opportunity, connect with one another, and together, create a positive
digital future.

You’ve already put time and energy into calling on TPP negotiators to make
their process more transparent and accountable, and your efforts have paid
off -- TPP decision makers, international media, and governments are
waiting to see what we’ll do next. 4

*How we move forward could make all the difference and we need your
participation in this conversation for it to work. Join our online
on November 28th at 5:30 PM PST / 8:30 PM EST. *

This is a moment of pure potential: we can let our leaders tip us back into
disempowerment and isolation, or *we can move forwards into a new more
open, participatory, and prosperous society. *

Thank you for being a part of this,

Reilly, Thanh, Steve and Josh, on behalf of your OpenMedia.ca team

*P.S. While you’re waiting to join the conversation, why not **take part in
our fun and easy, drag and drop digital future


[1] “Congress May Have Just Killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership.” Source: The

[2] “Trans-Pacific Partnership Released by WikiLeaks.” Source: Huffington

[3], [4] “Over 120, 000 People Have Said No to Internet Censorship.”
Source: OpenMedia<http://qb.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=wlDPhQ%2FAYRBnU%2F7IfLUK6arZhebJtada&url=https%3A%2F%2Fopenmedia.ca%2Fblog%2Fwow-over-120000-people-said-no-internet-censorship-tpp%3Futm_source%3D131121blast%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_campaign%3Dtownhall>


*[image: OpenMedia.ca]
is a non-profit organization that relies on donations from people like you
to operate.* Our small but dedicated team ensures even the smallest
contributions go a long way to make your voice heard. *Please donate today.

We are an award-winning network of people and organizations working to
safeguard the possibilities of the open Internet. We work toward informed
and participatory digital policy. You can follow us on
and like us on Facebook<http://qb.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=iYdrdhp5bforQKZZbXsK9KrZhebJtada&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fopenmedia.ca>

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Luis F. Pérez Arcila
Web/wap designer